A reboot clears this message and follows with a successful compile.Returning the clock to current time then starting PBP3 and trying a compile locks up the program. Please reinstall the software to repair any problems. Hi Titi,After successfully compiling & closing PBP3, then setting the clock forward 2 months, running a compile of the same program generates the following message:WARNING: Failed executable integrity check for C:PBP3pbpx.exeThe file may be corrupt.

Hi,here is a medicine for v3.1.0This is based on trial version (which correspond as Gold Edition).So download and install trial version and add medicine.Download Software (trial):For Information:PicBasic Pro v3 site:Download PBP:Download Ref Manual:History Versions of PBP:What's new:PBP 3.1 as a major upgrade due to additional assembly-libraries necessary to support Microchip's changes in memory map on their latest devices. PICBASIC, PICBASIC PRO, PICPROTO, and EPIC aretrademarks of Microchip Technology Inc.

PIC, PICmicro, dsPIC, and MPLABare registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Inc. Revised March 6, 2013.Īttention: Chuck Hellebuyck bookreadersThis is the demo version ofPBP 2.60 used in the books.Note: This is not a current version of thecompiler.It is included here for readers of thebooks.Everyone else should use the current versionof the compiler listed above.Users runningNorton Anti-Virus may need to temporarily disable Nortonin order to download updates.Copyright 2018 ME Labs, Inc. Users should be aware of the followingissue that was fixed in 3.0.10. PBP 3.0.10and later is not compatible with Windows XP. Download includes PBP, MicroCode Studio,and MicroCode Studio Plus(product keyrequired for MCSP)(128MB)(WindowsXP/Vista/7/8/10). This version is compatible with MPLAB8,but the newest devices aren't supported bythe older MPASMWIN assembler.

For newest device support, PBP requires that MPLABX beand installed. MicroEngineering LabsME Labs, Inc.71PBP3:PICBASIC PRO™Compiler 3.0 and Legacy Downloads(143MB)(Requires Windows7/8/10).